Understanding Audit Assertions and Why Theyre Important

management assertion

RealPage also trained landlords to limit concessions (e.g., free month(s) of rent) and other discounts to renters. The complaint also cites internal documents from RealPage and landlords touting the fact that landlords have responded by reducing renter concessions. RealPage’s alleged conduct deprives renters management assertion of the benefits of competition on apartment leasing terms and harms millions of Americans. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina and alleges that RealPage violated Sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Act. This assertion concerns the definition of “assets” in the contextual framework.

University Statements

Lastly, classification assertions relate to the proper categorization of transactions in the appropriate accounts. Auditors scrutinize these assertions by examining supporting documentation, reviewing transactional workflows, and performing analytical procedures to ensure that the transactions are presented fairly in the financial statements. An external audit is a process where independent auditors examine a company’s financial statements.

Understanding Financial Statement Assertions

Assertions are claims made by business owners and managers that the information included in company financial statements — such as a balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows — is accurate. These assertions are then tested by auditors and CPAs to verify their accuracy. Audit assertions, financial statement assertions, or management’s assertions, are the claims made by the management of the company on financial statements. The moment the financial statements are produced, the assertions or the claims of management also exist, e.g., all items in the income statement are assured to be complete and accurate, etc. The assertion of existence is the assertion that the assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity balances appearing on a company’s financial statements exist as stated at the end of the accounting period that the financial statement covers.

management assertion

What are Management Assertions in Auditing?

Type 1 audits cover the same areas; however, the auditor’s opinion only addresses the suitability of the design of controls at a point in time. There is no assurance that controls were operating effectively over a period of time. For additional information, check out our blog on SOC Report Types (1 vs 2). Candidates should ensure that they know the assertions and can explain what they mean. Candidates should not simply memorise these tests but also ensure they understand the reasons why the test provides assurance about the particular assertion. In some instances, the direction of the test will be a key point to consider.


Usually, they examine each assertion to ensure their conclusions are accurate. Audit assertions are directly related to the financial reporting framework used by the company (usually U.S. GAAP or IFRS), as they are part of the criteria that management uses to record and disclose accounting information in financial statements. SOX also created the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)—an organization intended to assess the work performed by public accounting firms to independently assess and opine on management’s assertions. The PCAOB’s Auditing Standard number 5 is the current standard over the audit of internal control over financial reporting. Furthermore, the historical accuracy of management’s assertions plays a role in their current validity.

management assertion

One reason for not proceeding with an audit is that the inability to obtain a management assertions letter could be an indicator that management has engaged in fraud in producing the financial statements. Therefore, other names may include management or financial statement assertions. It is the third assertion type that can fall under both transaction-level assertions and account balance assertions. Auditors must also ensure that their evaluation of assertions is comprehensive, covering all financial statement components. They must consider the interrelationships between financial statement elements and how misstatements in one area could affect another. This holistic approach ensures that auditors do not view assertions in isolation but understand their collective impact on the financial statements’ integrity.

management assertion

IFRS developed ISA315, which includes categories and examples of assertions that may be used to test financial records. Relevant tests – physical verification of non–current assets, circularisation of receivables, payables and the bank letter. This article will focus on assertions as identified by ISA 315 (Revised 2019) and also provides useful guidance to candidates on how to tackle questions dealing with these. Salaries & wages expense has been incurred during the period in respect of the personnel employed by the entity.

The Simple Way to Learn the Eight Audit Assertions

management assertion

To verify that the amount recorded as paid is the same as received from the customer. Related party transactions, balances and events have been disclosed accurately at their appropriate amounts. Transactions recognized in the financial statements have occurred and relate to the entity. Opposite to right and obligation, we test the audit assertion of cut-off for income statement transactions only. This financial assertion states that the different components of a financial statement, such as assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses, have all been properly classified within the statement.

  • Lastly, classification assertions relate to the proper categorization of transactions in the appropriate accounts.
  • Because every organization is unique, no two management assertion documents will be the same.
  • Audit assertions are claims made by management when preparing financial statements.
  • For example, if you claim in your management assertion that every employee receives annual cybersecurity awareness training, the auditor must be able to validate that claim by reviewing documentation such as completion certificates.
  • Auditors for these companies perform procedures to test the validity of management’s assertions and to provide an independent opinion.
  • This is particularly important for those accruing payroll or reporting inventory levels.

Isaac specializes in and has conducted numerous SOC 1 and SOC 2 examinations for a variety of companies—from startups to Fortune 100 companies. Isaac enjoys helping his clients understand and simplify their compliance activities. He is attentive to his clients’ needs and works meticulously to ensure that each examination and report meets professional standards. Relevant tests – in the case of property, deeds of title can be reviewed.

Rights and obligations

This assertion may relate to the allocation of expenses between various headings in the income statement. For example, companies may allocate depreciation to different business areas. During this process, companies use assertions to support the preparation process.

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